
Our Community

Our Community

Meet the Social Nature community

The Social Nature community is made of over 1 million people who use the platform to discover, try, and buy better-for-you products at their favorite retail stores.

They are everyday influencers who want to support mission driven brands that share their values of health, sustainability and making the world a better place.

A snapshot of the Social Nature community

Mostly Women

North American

60% age 18-44

43% shop for kids

🐶 🐱
58% shop for pets

Most shop for partners and families

Has some college education

42% of basket is natural/organic

41% buy plant-based substitutes


Community members


Product reviews


Influenced to try natural

Want to experience Social Nature as a member?

  • 90% bought a new product in the last month.
  • They shop across 3.5 channels on average.
  • 54% regularly look for brands they’ve seen or tried on Social Nature.
  • 29% said brand mission and sustainability is a key driver of their brand loyalty.
  • Their top 5 goals are to eat healthier, increase energy, be happier, get better sleep, and lose weight.
  • 80% would join a brand ambassador program.
  • 75% recommend products and offers to their friends and family.
  • 91% will provide early product testing feedback. Involve them in your next innovation!


Ready to put your products into the hands of your target audience?