High Growth Brands

High Growth Brands

Achieve retail success at conventional stores

You’re a high growth brand winning in natural product aisles and ready to expand to conventional. Work with Social Nature to drive in-store discovery and acquire new shoppers at Kroger, Publix, Walmart, Target, and more.

  • Succeed in key banner tests
  • Increase velocity at key accounts
  • Support expansion at retailers nationwide
Retail and competitive insights all in one place
  • Create a compelling sales story to expand your listings
  • Understand how your product compares to competitors
  • Adjust product positioning and messaging to better speak to mass retailers
  • Find the right price point at conventional stores
  • Discover what formats or flavors work best at mass retailers

How it works

Our community of conscious shoppers go through a full shopping journey from discovery to purchase, trial, review, and email opt-ins. They only try and review products they’re interested in.

Users apply to try products

Capture online demand from our community. Members interested in your product will apply to try a free sample.

Set your targeting criteria

Choose your audience. Qualified members living within 6-miles of a key retailer receive a coupon to pick up your product in-store.

Drive trial and velocity

Our community members pick up your product in-store and try it at home.

Capture feedback and reviews in real-time

Members fill out a post-trial survey and leave a review. Access your data in real-time through the Social Nature Insights dashboard. Use advanced filters to understand how your product compares against competitors and across retailers.

Social Nature reviews can be syndicated to your website and third-party retailers to build social proof and SEO.

Gain email opt-ins

Members who leave a review can opt-in to your brand mailing list for retargeting. Our community now becomes your community!

Grow at conventional stores, just like your peers

Sweet Nothings

How Sweet Nothings doubled distribution at Kroger


Chloe’s attributes 1 in 5 sales at Publix to Social Nature


Ready for a proactive review strategy?


Community members


Product reviews


Influenced to try natural


Products sampled