
Digital Sampling

digital product sampling

Sample your products to qualified shoppers

Trial is the #1 driver of CPG sales. It lets consumers fully experience your product before buying, creating ripe conditions for new sales conversions. 

An integrated solution

When most CPG marketers think of product sampling, our minds go to in-store demos or field sampling. This requires the coordination of stores and locations, demo people, shipments, and more. Thanks to Social Nature, you no longer need to think of those things. We’ll take care of the planning, targeting, and execution for you.

Three digital sampling pathways

Depending on your business objectives, the way you drive trial will vary. Social Nature offers three different ways to drive trial with your target audience.

Drive trial in-store with digital rebates

Drive in-store discovery and trial with qualified consumers by offering them cash back incentives with proof of purchase. By driving consumers in-store, they’ll know where to find you on their next shopping trip.

Drive trial at home with sample size products

Send samples to qualified shoppers direct to home and incentivize purchase with post-trial coupons for online or in-store redemption. Ancient Nutrition achieved 33% repeat sales after mailing packets of their collagen to 7,000 high-value consumers.

Drive trial online (D2C) with free promo codes

Drive trial with free promo codes and convert Social Nature’s community into your customers. Consumers will be immersed in your brand as they go from your product page to online checkout to unboxing.

Get your products in the hands of qualified consumers only

Social Nature doesn’t give your samples to just anybody.

We match your brand with your target audience. Only qualified shoppers are invited to opt in to try your products, resulting in higher engagement rates.

Get your products in the hands of qualified consumers only
Get access to consumer insights and emails for retargeting
Get access to consumer insights and emails for retargeting
  • Improve your product’s taste, price, positioning, cooking instructions, and more
  • Discover new innovations such as flavors and formats
  • Win retailer buyer meetings and validate new products
  • Uncover store-level issues, such as out of stocks or merchandising issues
  • Inform content ideas for your brand
  • Refine product messaging with your consumer’s voice


Ready to drive trial your way?


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Product reviews


Influenced to try natural


Products sampled