I’ve stopped doing traditional demos and am shifting my budget to Social Nature’s digital product sampling for better targeting and results.
This is the most valuable tool for launching new products with consumers who are excited to try new products. Social Nature helps people break out of their habits and try new things.
We can see amongst a significant sample size the other frozen novelty brands that Publix shoppers are buying, and go after them more specifically as we work to grow our sales there.
Speak to a CPG growth strategist today. In our call, we will:
What is a digital sampling?
Digital sampling is an alternative to in-store demos with better targeting and feedback collection. Social Nature matches your product and audience targeting with shoppers on our platform. Members who are interested in your product will apply to try it. If a member qualifies, they receive a free product voucher to redeem in-store. In exchange, they provide you with their feedback, product rating and review, and email opt-in so you can retarget them on your own channels.
Products redeemed are rung through store registers and may qualify as a velocity turn.
Who is digital sampling for?
Digital sampling can be used by all CPG brands! There are different use cases depending on whether you’re at the Early Stage, High Growth, or Established Brand stage.
Do I need to be in a certain amount of stores for digital sampling to work?
Social Nature’s digital sampling is available for brands with distribution in brick-and-mortar accounts that accept manufacturer’s coupons. We map your distribution to our community of shoppers around your key accounts to determine the volume of sampling available. We typically look for brands with 300+ stores and up and can support key regions of Whole Foods Markets as well.